Modern Slavery Policy

Rocket Paye Limited, Company Number: 12677606


This statement is made in line with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and details the steps taken by Rocket Paye Limited and that will continue to be taken, to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking or any form of workplace abuse is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Modern Slavery includes Slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. Rocket Paye has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to any form of modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with the best interests of our workers in all business operations.

Who are Rocket Paye and what do we do?

Rocket Paye Limited provide CIS, PAYE Umbrella and payroll services to recruitment agencies, sub-contractors, contractors and temporary workers across multiple industry sectors on a weekly basis. As a business with over 30 years’ experience in payroll and labour management, compliance, customer service and an ethical approach is at the forefront of everything we do.

Where are we located?

We are located in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, meaning we are a UK based Limited company, that complies with UK tax laws. None of our business operations are “offshore” and we have no affiliations with any business outside of the UK either. Likewise, all our workers, contractors, sub-contractors and recruitment agencies are also UK based.

What are Rocket Paye’s Morals?

Rocket Paye Is a contractor/ worker focused business, with compliance and state of the art technological systems used to deliver our services each week. We operate within a well-regulated environment and nothing but complete compliance with UK tax legislation and employment laws is suffice. We are a well adaptable business, so that when legislation changes, Rocket Paye changes with it.

Our Workers:

As a contractor payroll provider, a huge part of our business involves the employment or engagement of temporary workers undertaking agency or sub-contractor assignment-based work. To ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business, prior to any new start joining Rocket Paye, we discuss their circumstances thoroughly and how they have become a freelancer and why they have accepted their role.

We then also liaise with the agency placing the worker to ensure the pay rate is above a certain level depending on how they are due to be paid and that the pay rate never falls below National Minimum Wage.

Prior to engaging with an individual, we ensure that they are subject to full UK Right to Work (RTW) checks by our compliance team. Our compliance team are trained to identify counterfeit or tampered with documents as well as using various Home Office tools to validate RTW documents.

We also look out for any tell-tale signs of Modern Slavery or human trafficking, for example, if a worker is using the same home address as another worker we engage with and whether the same bank details are being used for multiple payments for different individuals.

Our Suppliers:

We conduct our own due diligence on all suppliers before entering into any contractual agreement. This due diligence includes an online search to ensure that supplier has never been convicted of offenses relating to modern slavery.

We further require that they confirm to us that:

  1. They have taken the correct steps and have their own policy on tacking modern slavery
  2. They do their own due diligence on their own suppliers to ensure that the full supply chain is clean and rid of any modern slavery
  3. They pay their employees at least the national minimum wage/ national living wage


All our staff receive the relevant training on both RTW compliance and Modern Slavery/Human trafficking so that they understand what signs to look out for and what to do if they suspect Modern Slavery/ Human trafficking is taking place.

Managing Director

Alex Hough